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4 – 6 – 100 – that's a set of measurements which any breathing apparatus equipment manager would be happy with! The figures refer to cleaning four masks in six minutes with a 100% satisfaction rate – and that's exactly what Fabrizio Wehrle was looking for when it came to cleaning the BA masks and regulators used by his colleagues at the Appenweier and Oberkirch fire services.
There was only one model that could offer that kind of performance – the TopClean M cleaning and disinfection machine. As well as drastically reducing his consumption of chemicals and water, he also saves a huge amount of time. "I used to wash the BA masks in a washing machine, which took around 1.5 hours for nine masks. With 30 masks in regular use, it took two to three days to clean them all."
The BA cleaning and maintenance room is housed in the basement without any direct access to fresh air. The TopClean M is a self-contained system, making it a particularly good choice for this environment, as Wehrle explains: "We're no longer exposed to chemical fumes."